Parent Association Executive Board

2024 - 2025

PA Email:


President:  Luz Gomez

Vice President:  Maria Diaz

Recording Secretary:  Maria Sagbaicela

Treasurer:  Hind El Fakhar

We encourage you to join us on this journey by getting involved in the following ways:

  • Attend parent meetings and workshops
  • Volunteer at school events 
  • Serve on a school committee
  • Donate to the parent association

Support our Aviation High School PA Membership Drive!

Families who donate $100 by December 1st, will get a special gift. 

Families who donate MORE than $100 by December 1st, will receive an exclusive piece signed by Mr. Jackson (School Principal).

Click here to find out more:  Aviation High School 2024 Annual Appeal

Interested in being an Executive Board Member for the PA (2025-2026)?

Read the attached: Duties of Officers

Want to know more? Fill out form: Interest Form


¿Está interesado en ser Miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva de la Asociación de Padres (2025-2026)?

Lea el documento adjunto: Deberes de los funcionarios

¿Quiere saber más? Complete el formulario: Formulario de interés

    Duties of Officers.pdf          Deberes de los Oficiales.pdf

Parent Association Meetings for the 2024 - 2025 School Year

To view previous meeting recordings, click here: (View Recordings)


Join us for our monthly remote Parent Association Meetings at 6:30 pm. The Zoom link is posted below.

September 19th

October 17th

November 21st

December 19th

January 16th

February 13th 

March 13th 

April 10th 

May 15th 

June 12th

Meeting ID: 936 6036 1328

Passcode: 453036

For One Tap Mobile or to Dial By Location:

Zoom One Tap Dial by Location docx.pdf 


Donate to your Parent Association

Welcome to the Aviation High School Parents' Association Family!! We are excited and looking forward to a successful 2024-2025 school year! All Parents/Guardians of AVHS students are automatically members of the Parent Association. We encourage you to be an active member of our PA and get involved. You can help the Parents' Association by volunteering your time and/or making much-needed financial contributions. The suggested annual contribution is $50 per student.


¡Bienvenidos a la familia de la Asociación de padres de la escuela secundaria de Aviación! ¡Estamos entusiasmados y esperamos un año escolar 2024-2025 exitoso! Todos los padres/tutores de los estudiantes de AVHS son automáticamente miembros de la Asociación de padres. Lo alentamos a ser un miembro activo de nuestra PA y a participar. Puede ayudar a la Asociación de padres ofreciendo su tiempo como voluntario y/o haciendo contribuciones financieras muy necesarias. La contribución anual sugerida es de $50 por estudiante.

Donate now via using the QR code below or searching using our email:        


Or fill out the following form: 

 PA Donation Form 2024-2025.pdf 


AHS Merch and Spirit Wear

Are you interested in volunteering? (¿Te interesa ser voluntario?)

If you are interested in volunteering at any of our events, please fill out the form below:

(Si esta interesado en ser voluntario(a) en alguno de nuestros eventos, llene el siguiente formulario:)

Volunteer Form / Formulario para Voluntario

Do you have any questions or concerns? (¿Tienes alguna pregunta o inquietud?)

Email us/Envíenos un correo electrónico

Previous & Current School Year Events