Parents' Association Meetings for the 24-25 School Year
Join us for our monthly remote Parent Association Meetings at 6:30 pm. The Zoom link is posted below.
September 19th
October 17th
November 21st
December 19th
January 16th
February 13th
March 13th
April 10th
May 15th
June 12th
Meeting ID: 936 6036 1328
Passcode: 453036
One tap mobile
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+16699006833,,93660361328#,,,,*453036# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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Congratulations to our Returning Members and Newly Elected Parent Leaders for the 2024-2025 School Year
Parent Association 2024 - 2025
President: Luz Gomez-Gonzalez
Vice President: Maria Diaz
Recording Secretary: Maria Sagbaicela
Treasurer: Hind El Fakhar
Title 1 Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
Chairperson - Maria Lyrist
Alternate - Ferdie Lee
School Leadership Team Parent Members
Luz Gomez-Gonzalez
Ferdie Lee
Marcela Medina
Gillian Sowell
Maria Vasiliou-Rozos
A huge thank you to Ms. Friedman, Ms. Rubio and Ms. Vasiliou-Rozos for volunteering to be part of the Nominating Committee.
Coffee with the Principal
We meet the first Wednesday of the month in Room 140. Times vary throughout the year to accommodate Parents/Guardians schedules.
RSVP to Ms. Cordero
October 2nd 10am
November 6th at 2pm
December 4th at 10:30am
January 8th at 9:30am
February 5th at 2pm
March 5th at 11am
April 2nd at 10am
May 7th at 1pm
2024-2025 School Year Weekly Emails
January 17, 2025
High School Master Class Registration 2025
Superintendent Hoa Tu's office has shared the High School Master Class Series being offered at the High School of Fashion Industries during Mid-winter Recess. Students can participate in master classes on Cosmetology, Investing, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship, and a 5-hour pre-licensing Drivers Education course. In order to take the Drivers Education course the student must have a NYC learner's permit.
Click here to register. Please be advised this program is not run by Aviation High School. Once the form is filled out you will receive an email confirmation on how to proceed.
January 16, 2025
International Food Night Feb 7th at 5pm
The Parents' Association of Aviation High School invites you to International Food Night. This event celebrates the diversity of our school community through food, culture, and tradition. If you would like to participate by bringing a dish, salad, dessert, or help setting up, please click here to fill out the Participation Form before Friday, January 31st. Click here to fill out the Participation Form
Date: Friday, February 7th from 5-8pm
Location: School Cafeteria
January 15, 2025
Let's Cook Together Series
Do you like cooking or learning more about it? If so, join Aviation's Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC), Ms. Lyrist and Ms. Lee, for their Let's Cook Together Series starting on Tuesday, January 28th via Zoom from 6-7pm. Please register by clicking here.
Mark your calendars for future dates:
Tuesday, February 11th
Tuesday, February 25th
Tuesday, March 11th
January 14, 2025
Update Emergency Contact Information on NYCSA
For the safety of our students and our school communities, it is important that New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) and school staff are able to contact you or a trusted guardian in the event there is an emergency at the school or concerning a student in attendance. Please be sure that Aviation High School has the current address and contact information of a trusted adult who can come to school to retrieve your child in the event of an emergency. You can update your student's emergency contact and health information online through your New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) at
Tutoring Services Offered at Aviation HS (24-25)
Please click here to view the tutoring services offered at Aviation High School by our Humanities, Math and Science Departments along with Sunnyside Community Services, our Community Based Organization (CBO).
Early Excuse Procedure 24-25
If your child needs to leave early from school please follow the steps below:
1. Send your child to school with a note. Even if you send your child with a note we will still call you to confirm.
2. Have your child drop off the note to Room 135 when they first come to school. Not bringing a note early in the morning may cause a delay when your child wants to leave.
3. We will call the parents/guardians at the phone numbers in the Student Profile account to confirm your child is allowed to leave early. We cannot allow students to leave early without contacting a parent/guardian.
4. Have your child come back to Room 135 when it is time for them to leave to pick up the completed Early Excuse Form.
We are unable to send a student home alone if they are sick. If a student is sick an adult 18 years or older must pick up the child. To view our School Policies for Students and Parents/Guardians click here.
January 13, 2025
2025 CCEC Elections Info Session Tonight
In case you missed the January 6th email: FACE is thrilled to invite families to join their Virtual Community and Citywide Education Councils (CCECs) Elections Information Session for Prospective Candidates on TONIGHT Monday, January 13th at 5pm.
This informative session is perfect for Parents/Guardians interested in learning about how to apply to run for a position on the Community and Citywide Education Councils (CCECs). Whether you are considering running for a council or simply want to better understand the election process, this webinar will provide essential information, including:
- An overview of CCECs and their roles
- The responsibilities of being a council member
- How to apply and run for election
- Tips for a successful candidacy
The session will also feature a Q&A segment. Interpretation services will be available in Spanish, Mandarin, and Bangla. Please register by clicking here!
January 13, 2025
Summer Internship with Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York, Inc (KCS)
The Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (KCS) organizes the Young Adult Service Program (YASP), a summer internship program that would be an excellent opportunity for our students. Deadline to apply is April 21, 2025 at 11:59 PM (EST). Please use your desktop computer when applying. KCS, founded in 1973, is a non-profit organization that provides culturally appropriate social services to Korean-American and other immigrant communities in Queens regarding Aging, Education, Immigration, Mental Health, Workforce Development, and Public Health. We are a "one-stop" shop where clients—regardless of their immigration status or income—can access the resources they need to overcome socioeconomic and cultural barriers and become thriving members of American society.
What is YASP?
YASP (Young Adult Service Program) connects Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) high school and college students with internships at various community organizations and the offices of local elected officials throughout NYC.
For more information, click here.
January 9, 2025
Attn: Juniors & Seniors!
The AV Math Department is excited to announce that they will be offering a 10th period Pre-Calculus class for interested Juniors and Seniors during the Spring 2025 semester. Please review the course requirements and application link on the flyer below. Click here to register. If you have any questions, feel free to stop by Room 428 to speak with Mrs. Rosado.
***Students must register using their email account***
Are you ready to take flight toward your college goals? The College Now program is here to help Aviation High School juniors and seniors gain a head start on college education.
Why join College Now?
- Earn college credits for free: Build your transcript while still in high school.
- Explore your passions: Take courses that align with your interests and career aspirations.
- Prepare for the future: Get a glimpse of the college experience and enhance your academic skills.
Eligibility: Juniors and seniors enrolled at Aviation High School with a strong academic foundation.
How to Apply: Complete the interest form by clicking here: College Now Application Form (
***Students must register using their email account***
January 6, 2025
Virtual Community and Citywide Education Councils (CCECs) Elections Information Session for Prospective Candidates
FACE is thrilled to invite families to join their Virtual Community and Citywide Education Councils (CCECs) Elections Information Session for Prospective Candidates on Monday, January 13th at 5pm. This informative session is perfect for Parents/Guardians interested in learning about how to apply to run for a position on the Community and Citywide Education Councils (CCECs). The session will also feature a Q&A segment. Interpretation services will be available in Spanish, Mandarin, and Bangla. Please register by clicking here! Whether you are considering running for a council or simply want to better understand the election process, this webinar will provide essential information, including:
- An overview of CCECs and their roles
- The responsibilities of being a council member
- How to apply and run for election
- Tips for a successful candidacy
CCEC Elections December email.pdf
The January Midterm exams are scheduled as follows.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
January 13 |
January 14 |
January 15 |
January 16 |
January 17 |
English |
English |
Science |
Math |
Aviation Maintenance |
Spanish |
Science |
Social Studies |
Social Studies |
Spanish |
Math |
December 2024 Weekly Emails.pdf
Aviation's 24-25 School Year Calendar
Please review our updated 24-25 School Year Calendar below or download 24-25 Calendar.pdf
Queens North High Schools Parent Workshop and Forum
Queens North and South High Schools presents their virtual Parent Workshop series in partnership with Morningside Center.
Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 540 133 5729 Passcode: 751437
2024-2025-Parent Workshop Series.pdf
Check throughout the school year for scheduled Family Forums and Workshops
Has your home address changed?
Contact Ms. Toto, our Guidance Secretary, in Room 135 to update your address, phone numbers, emails and add or remove emergency contacts.
Have your child bring a copy of your utility bill, lease or a copy of a valid government picture ID.
Tuition-Free Adult ESL Classes
Classes are given at Aviation High School on Tuesdays and Thursdays
For more information call 718-361-9480 or to find a program near you visit
Sunnyside Community Services Offers No-Cost ESOL Classes
Visit for information on ESOL classes. To see all the programs and services offered by SCS visit
Click here for NYCWell information
If you're feeling anxious, depressed or are struggling with substance abuse, visit the NYC Well app. It is confidential and counselors are available 24/7/365. Be kind to your mind...always.
Para Español NYC Well app_Spanish.pdf
Introducing TalkSpace - Free to ALL New York City Teens
"Teen mental health crisis is as complex as teens themselves, simple solutions don’t exist. But there’s one thing our therapists know for certain: “Teens are vividly clear in stating their wish for more support, attention, understanding—simply, ‘to have someone in their corner’ or ‘have their back’,” says Elizabeth Keohan, LCSW-C, LICSW. “This is not ambiguous—teens say it routinely. Their wish amid frustrations is to be heard, but also for someone to take the time to understand."
Sunnyside Community Services
Students can visit Room 104
Tutoring for SCS starts on October 7th, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3:30pm - 6pm.
Our School utilizes the School Messenger system to deliver text messages to your mobile phone with important information about school closings, events, safety alerts and more. To participate in this free service* send a text message of Y or YES to 67587. You can also opt out of these messages at any time by replying STOP to any of our messages.
Nuestra escuela utiliza el sistema School Messenger o el sistema de Mensajería Escolar para enviar mensajes de texto a su teléfono móvil con información importante sobre cierres de escuelas, eventos, alertas de seguridad y más.
Para participar en este servicio gratuito* envíe un mensaje de texto de Y o YES al 67587. También puede optar por no recibir estos mensajes en cualquier momento respondiendo STOP a cualquiera de nuestros mensajes.
*Data rates may apply
Find up-to-date information on NYC Public Schools (NYCPS) by accessing one of these websites.
Encuentre información actualizada sobre las Escuelas Públicas de la Ciudad de Nueva York (NYCPS) accediendo a uno de estas paginas.
We want to encourage families to make sure they have taken the following steps for the 2024-2025 School Year:
- Create your New York City Schools Account (NYCSA); it’s how we’ll get in touch with you throughout the year with critical announcements. If you already have a NYCSA account, login and confirm your contact information is accurate. If you have forgotten the password click on Forgot Your Password? If you had a NYC School Account the previous school year you do not need to create a new account, simply clock on Forgot Your Password? NYCSA accounts should not be associated with your child's email address.
- Submit all required health forms and that your child is up-to-date on immunizations. Learn more about these health forms—and why they matter—here. Your child can bring their updated medical form to the Ms. Ellis or Nurse Mojica in the Medical Office, Room 139.
- Check your child’s transportation options and eligibility. Any questions regarding the OMNY card should be sent to Ms. Bradley at Students who have misplaced their OMNY card should visit Ms. Bradley in Room 149
- Follow @nycschools on social media (X/Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook) and check out, The Morning Bell.
Fair Fares is a City program that helps qualifying New Yorkers access subway and bus rides at half the price. Fair Fares is open to New York City residents ages 16 to 82 living at or below 120% of the federal poverty line. Find out if you meet the eligibility requirements here .
If you are eligible, you can apply for the Fair Fares program by visiting the website or and completing the online application or calling 311. Check out this list of accepted documents that verify important information.
Once your application is submitted, the City will review your application before issuing your Fair Fares MetroCard. If you have additional questions on applying, contact the Human Resources Administration here . This is not a NYC Department of Education program, therefore all questions and support need to be go through the contacts provided on the websites. |
Home Delivered Meals and Farmers Market for Seniors
Some of our family dynamics include multi-generational homes with 60+ family member living with us. Some parents are caregivers to their elderly parents. The NYC Department for the Aging offers programs your loved ones may be eligible for.
Our 60+ family members who are able to travel to Older Adult Centers (OAC's) can participate in the lunch program.
The NYC Department for the Aging has expanded its free meal delivery program. Starting Summer 2024 deliveries to older New Yorkers (ages 60+) will include holidays and options will include halal dishes. Please visit NYC Aging's website to learn or to request home delivered meals for your loved ones.
The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program is for low-income older adults to access locally grown fruits, vegetables and herbs. NYC Aging offers free bus service from participating Older Adult Centers to major supermarkets. Check out all of the food programs for older adults, and spread the word to your older loved ones.
Search for events and activities on the NYC Aging Activities Finder.
Students Who Need a Learning Device (2024-2025)
The NYC Department of Education is lending out Chromebook to students that need electronic devices.
See Ms. Toto in the Guidance Suite, Room 135 to request or return a device.
Working Permit Process for Students
Pick up the Application for Employment Certificate AT-17 from Room 135.
Fill out the top portion.
Get a doctor's note stating you are 'fit to work'.
Bring form AT-17, doctors note and your high school ID to Room 130. Speak to Ms. Said
In July and August students should come to the Guidance Suite Room 135.
Early Excuse Procedure/Procedimiento de Excusa Anticipada
If your child needs to leave early from school please follow the steps below:
1. Send your child to school with a note. Even if you send your child with a note we will still call you to confirm.
2. Have your child drop off the note to Room 135 when they first come to school. Not bringing a note early in the morning may cause a delay when your child wants to leave.
3. We will call the parents/guardians at the phone numbers in the Student Profile account to confirm your child is allowed to leave early. We cannot allow students to leave early without contacting a parent/guardian.
4. Have your child come back to room 135 when it is time for them to leave to pick up the completed Early Excuse Form.
We are unable to send a student home alone if they are sick. If a student is sick an adult 18 years or older must pick up the child.
Questions? Contact your child's counselor.
If your child is sick, they MUST go to the Nurse in Room 139. A parent/guardian must pick up a sick child. A sick child will not be allowed to leave by themselves.
Early Excuse Procedure and Policy 2024-2025.pdf
Siga los Pasos a Continuación:
1. Envíe a su hijo a la escuela con una nota. Haga que su hijo deje la nota por la mañana y complete el formulario de excusa temprana en el salón 135.
2. Llamaremos al padre o tutor al número de teléfono que figura en el perfil del estudiante para confirmar la excusa anticipada.
3. Haga que su hijo regrese al salón 135 cuando sea el momento de salir para recoger el formulario de excusa anticipada completo.
No podemos permitir que los estudiantes se vayan temprano sin comunicarse con un padre o tutor. Si su hijo no completa el Formulario de excusa temprana en la mañana, esto provocará un retraso en la hora de salir.
Preguntas? Comuníquese con el consejero de su hijo haciendo clic aquí
¿Preguntas? Comuníquese con el consejero escolar de su hijo.
Si su hijo está enfermo, DEBE ir a la enfermera en la habitación 139. Un padre/tutor tiene que recoger a un niño enfermo.
As your Parent Coordinator, I am your point of contact to help you with your questions and concerns, provide additional information, or refer you to the appropriate contact. I promise that if I cannot find an answer to your questions, I will find someone who can. It is important to to provide our families with up-to-date information via phone calls, emails and our website. I have already met so many wonderful families and want to maintain a warm and welcoming school environment.
Parents' Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
See the Parents' Bill of Rights available in English, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Russian, and Urdu.
Covid Guidance as of March 2024
Covid Protocol for Students as of September 2024
Respiratory illness, including COVID-19, Guidance
Based on updated health guidance, instead of a minimum isolation period, people with COVID-19 should stay home and away from others based on their symptoms, similar to how they would for other respiratory infections, like flu and RSV.
- If your child has COVID-19 symptoms(Open external link), they should get tested and separate from others right away. You should speak to a provider to see if treatment is appropriate for your child.
- Your child should stay home until, for at least 24 hours, they have had no fever without taking fever-reducing medicine and other COVID-19 or other respiratory symptoms, such as cough, are getting better.
- If your child tests positive for COVID-19 but has no symptoms, they do not need to stay home but they still need to take the below steps for five days to prevent spreading the virus to other (see Avoid Getting Others Sick section below).
- Additional COVID-19 information can be found here.
Covid Guidance for Students and Staff as of March 2024
This is a reminder that the coronavirus protocol changed for students and staff in March of 2024. School communities are no longer notified when there is a positive case of the coronavirus, but the student’s teachers will be contacted regarding Google Classroom work requests. All the coronavirus information can be found here.
COVID-19 Guidance as of March 2024
Based on updated health guidance, instead of a minimum isolation period, people with COVID-19 should stay home and away from others based on their symptoms, similar to how they would for other respiratory infections, like flu and RSV.
- If your child has COVID-19 symptoms, they should still get tested and separate from others right away.
- Your child should stay home until, for at least 24 hours, they have had no fever without taking fever-reducing medicine and other COVID-19 symptoms are getting better.
- If your child tests positive for COVID-19 but has no symptoms, they do not need to stay home but they still need to take steps to prevent spreading the virus to others. Additional COVID-19 information can be found here.
Workshops for the 2023-2024 School Year
5th Year Information Workshop - Saturday, May 4th
Freshman, Sophomore and Junior Parents are invited for a one hour presentation followed by Q&A's with Mr. Sosa.
Time: Arrive by 9:45am, to begin promptly at 10am
Location: School Auditorium, 2nd floor
Enter through the main entrance on 36th Street. You must provide a valid picture ID to the Security Desk.
Hands-On Maintenance Workshop - Saturday, May 11th
Hands-on workshop where parents get to work on a shop project alongside our students.
Use this form to register. Limit of 60 people.
Time: arrive promptly at 8:30am - 12:30pm
Navigating Your Student's Aviation Mechanic's Journey - Tuesday, May 14th
Get clarity on FAA testing and licensing essentials in this crash course workshop
Time: 6-7pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 993 1298 3977
Passcode: 507979
Email for more information on this workshop.
From College to Career - Tuesday, May 21st
Explore firsthand journey's from college to industry in aviation mechanics. See flyer below.
Time: 6-7pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 993 1298 3977
Passcode: 507979
Email for more information on this workshop.
Thriving After Fifth Year - Thursday, May 23rd
Explore Success stories from professionals who completed the '5th Year' and are now excelling in their industries. See flyer below.
Time: 6-7pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 993 1298 3977
Passcode: 507979
Email for more information on this workshop.
Health and Wellness Workshop - Tuesday, May 28th
Keeping children healthy through exercise and good nutrition are crucial to a child’s academic success. Join us via Zoom at 6:30pm
Time: 6:30pm
Register here
Meeting ID: 973 6261 1274
Passcode: 251107
*This workshop is sponsored by Title 1 funding and organized by Ms. Gomez, our Title 1 Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Chairperson and PA Vice President.